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Meet Popina Cherry

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The Sleepy Showgirl with the Hidden Disabilities 

'Unveil the beauty within the unseen'

Popina Cherry is a professional burlesque performer who is passionate about the art form. 

Her decorated background in different dance and performance styles along with industry experience allows her to create exciting and entertaining performances.  

She doesn't let her limitations hold her back, instead she embraces them, celebrates them and hopes to inspire others...and then maybe take a little nap after.

Photo Credit: Neil @ Behind Burlesque 

Why 'Powder Room' 

Popina Cherry has always been inspired by the 1950's pin up style and she used to promote different make up brands, which is how the 'Powder Room' was born.


It felt like the 'Powder Room' was her safe space, so whether you are taking part in a workshop or attending a showcase, you are invited into 'Popina Cherry's Powder Room'. 

Popina Cherry is also a big fan of horror, gothic themes and is also an award winning Scare Actor...But 'Popina Cherry's Spooky Coven' didn't quite have the same ring to it  

Photo Credit: Kim @ Kim Quincey

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Embracing body positivity, celebrating diverse body types and promoting self love.

Zero tolerance towards bullying and harassment reinforces a safe and respectful atmosphere that values the uniqueness of each individual.

A welcoming attitude embraces inclusivity for all individuals regardless of differences   

Everyone welcome no matter what your story is. 

Photo Credit: Jess@ Jess Hawkins Photography

Want to get in touch?

Please see contact us page for details 

Available for: 

Professional performances  

Corporate - Events  


Competition Judging


Private Lessons

And more...

Or if you are interested in being a special guest workshop host for the Powder Room, please get in touch (inc. fees and availability) 

Art Credit: Kat @ Pretty Grotesque Tattoos

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